Recovery, One Program at a Time
We are not affilated with any of these groups or sites that we have linked to here. Links are provided for informational purposes only.
These are just a few of the main 12 step groups. For an extensive list and other helpful information regarding 12 step groups, I found these sites:
12 Step.org (Directory of links)
12 Steps: Ancient to Modern History (Directory of links)
International 12 Step Treatment Centres
In The Rooms (Global Recovery Community website)
Treatment for Addiction – an On-line Recovery Resource Directory
Inspirational Gifts for your Spiritual Journey
It is always about each of us being there for each other, sharing our hope and our strengths and our experiences. Please let us know of your site that you wish to share. If it supports recovery, we may add it here. Please email us – mail (at) serenity-cards . com (no spaces) with your site url for consideration.